CIBA Member portal
The CIBA Member Portal is a professional space where members can engage in dialogue with their peers, enjoy thought-provoking blog content, access discounts, and read the latest updates about CIBA's work.
In the Member Portal, you can find:
- Business resources for independent booksellers including event recordings, templates, and more
- Access to information about shipping discounts and group-purchasing opportunities
- Marketing resources including campaign assets and evergreen graphics and tools
- Updates on CIBA's advocacy and supplier relations work
- Member-only blog containing interviews and think pieces from industry pros on relevant topics
- Bookseller Forum where Bookseller Members can discuss important business topics and seek advice from one another
- Bulletin Board where Bookseller Members, Associates, Affiliates, and the CIBA team can share news, event invitations, and other opportunities
- Member directories and a dedicated contact service
- Access to The Guide to Bookselling in Canada - a comprehensive resource for prospective, new, and existing bookstores, structured around key topics related to the bookselling business.
Want to join the club? Become a member today to benefit from everything that CIBA has to offer.
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